We’re all born with a brain. Sadly, it doesn’t generally come with a user’s guide – or even a quick start manual. Until now! Join us on February 19th, 2025 for an online class through the University of New Mexico which will finally provide these missing instructions. How does a brain work? How can weContinue Reading: Your Brain: A User’s Guide
Anxiety And Egoity
Clinicians often consider anxiety to be a primary diagnosis. In my experience (both personally and professionally) anxiety is also a symptom of an underlying disorder: egoity. By which I mean an over attachment to the experience of a separate self. A self disconnected from other selves and from the world at large.My colleagues and IContinue Reading: Anxiety And Egoity
Repression, Anxiety & CBT
Sigmund Freud’s “signal theory” of anxiety conceptualizes this emotion as a safeguard protecting us and others from the emergence of threatening intrapsychic and interpersonal material. Freud saw anxiety signaling the presence and press of threatening psychic content – oftentimes aggressive or sexual impulses. Contemporary evolutionary psychology supports Freud’s formulation. Biopsychosocial analysis considers anxiety a legacyContinue Reading: Repression, Anxiety & CBT
Religion, Spirituality & CBT
Religious observance, spiritual practice and cognitive-behavioral therapy are fellow travelers. While each covers its own ground and has its particular vocabulary, all share a common destination: life lived in accord with the way things really are. In a recent meeting of our weekly online consultation group, All Things CBT, senior faculty took up the questionContinue Reading: Religion, Spirituality & CBT
The Socratic Method
Listen in on one of our All Things CBT sessions this week to experience a powerful cognitive therapy method that comes to us from one of the West’s great thinkers. We also look together at errors therapists make that would lead this method to fail