
Got Stage Fright?

I do! Very many of us experience performance anxiety when faced with the opportunity to speak or play a musical instrument in public. In this post, our weekly All Things CBT community employs both imaginal and in vivo exposure to help a stage-frightened colleague overcome her fear of playing the vibraphone for an audience

¡CBT A La Gente! [CBT To The People!]

Low-intensity CBT [LICBT] is a global movement that trains lay people to deliver quality mental health care for pennies on the dollar charged by professional counselors. All Thing’s CBT’s Pomona Valley California LICBT pilot program was recently evaluated by a third-party expert from Georgetown University’s School Of Medicine. In this post I present the results

To Blame Or Not To Blame

The phenomenon we call blame has three distinct components. First, the perception of an injury [physical, emotional or moral] or a social transgression of some kind. Second, we muster an emotional response to this perception, oftentimes anger, resentment and hostility. Third, we begin planning retribution. Each of these three components has particular brain structures associated

Repression, Anxiety & CBT

Sigmund Freud’s “signal theory” of anxiety conceptualizes this emotion as a safeguard protecting us and others from the emergence of threatening intrapsychic and interpersonal material. Freud saw anxiety signaling the presence and press of threatening psychic content – oftentimes aggressive or sexual impulses. Contemporary evolutionary psychology supports Freud’s formulation. Biopsychosocial analysis considers anxiety a legacy