Acceptance – of self, others and the world at large – seems often in short supply these days. Importantly, these three are always one: true acceptance flows in all directions.Rejection of of self, others and the wide world – while rewarding in a direction Dr. David Burns calls the joys of battle – is alsoContinue Reading: Acceptance: Wellspring Of Emotional Healing
Therapeutic Alliance: “Healing through love”
The relationship between a therapist and patient lays the foundation for the work these two can do together. Join my colleague Heather Clague MD and I for a consideration of two key elements of therapeutic alliance: emotional connection and collaboration
Hardiness: A New Construct For A New Time
The year 2020 has been a time of extraordinary stress and trauma for most all of us. In additional to individual traumas, we’ve experienced a series of unprecedented natural disasters, a global pandemic, and frequently deadly civil and political strife. Few alive today have experienced a year in which so many bad things happened toContinue Reading: Hardiness: A New Construct For A New Time
The Rainmaker: A Transformation Parable
How is it that some patients recover in a single therapy session? After decades of daily panic attacks, leave their first session and never have a panic attack again? And how is that other patients work diligently week after week, month after month, perhaps year after year, to make this same change? In this postContinue Reading: The Rainmaker: A Transformation Parable
Death, Dying And CBT
As a boy I learned a World War I song of the trenches that began “Never laugh when a hearse goes by, for you may be the next die.” The song goes on exhaustively to catalogue the process of human decomposition. My favorite verse was and is “The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.TheContinue Reading: Death, Dying And CBT