Please join me and 14 of my closest colleagues August 18 – 21 for the first-ever international symposium on TEAM CBT. If you’re unable to be on the ground with us in Warsaw, Poland, join us via our live stream – which will also be recorded for viewing at any time by all registrants. BothContinue Reading: International TEAM CBT Symposium [in-person & online] August 18 – 21, Warsaw, Poland
Holistic Diagnosis
Psychiatric symptoms – panic attacks say, or suicidal thoughts – arise from the deep ecology of an individual human life. Appreciating the role a symptom plays in this big picture enables us to understand and empathize with patients in a vital way. Such understanding and empathy in turn set the stage for successful intervention inContinue Reading: Holistic Diagnosis
Book Launch: Forethought (poems)
Please join my colleague Heather Clague MD and me in this conversation about my new book Forethought, a poetry collection that will be released March 15, 2022. We share our experience of thinking [the realm of cognitive therapy], of the ground from which thinking arises [that which is before thought], and the interface between theseContinue Reading: Book Launch: Forethought (poems)
Got New Year’s Resolution?
One in two of us is currently making a new year’s resolution. Physical wellness tops the list, with 32% of resolution makers resolving to live healthier lives in 2022. While the impulse is admirable, the outcomes are less so: fewer than one in ten of us will persevere and actually accomplish our goals. The scienceContinue Reading: Got New Year’s Resolution?
CBT & Planet Earth
We human beings and our fragile island home face unprecedented challenges during this time of climate change, political upheaval and widespread suffering of so many living things. Psychotherapy that ignores this crisis is unlikely to produce lasting well being.Please join my conversation with three colleagues working to address this crisis in our clinical work, politicalContinue Reading: CBT & Planet Earth