
International TEAM CBT Symposium [in-person & online] August 18 – 21, Warsaw, Poland

Please join me and 14 of my closest colleagues August 18 – 21 for the first-ever international symposium on TEAM CBT. If you’re unable to be on the ground with us in Warsaw, Poland, join us via our live stream – which will also be recorded for viewing at any time by all registrants. Both

Religion, Spirituality & CBT

Religious observance, spiritual practice and cognitive-behavioral therapy are fellow travelers. While each covers its own ground and has its particular vocabulary, all share a common destination: life lived in accord with the way things really are. In a recent meeting of our weekly online consultation group, All Things CBT, senior faculty took up the question

Holistic Diagnosis

Psychiatric symptoms – panic attacks say, or suicidal thoughts – arise from the deep ecology of an individual human life. Appreciating the role a symptom plays in this big picture enables us to understand and empathize with patients in a vital way. Such understanding and empathy in turn set the stage for successful intervention in

2022 World Championships Of Shame Attacking

All Things CBT is now accepting entries to its annual shame attacking contest. Shame attacking – doing something silly in a public setting – is a CBT technique that can free us from being overly concerned about others’ appraisal of us. It’s a free, fun, powerful way to show the world we’re comfortable enough in